Summer weather has finally arrived at Moose Lake, and here is an update for cottagers on happenings in the park.
Manitoba Infrastructure has been monitoring the lake level with Parks and Resource Spaces Protection Division doing the maintenance on their behalf. Boards were removed earlier from the outlet dam to draw down the level as per MI’s guidance. The summer standard level is .27, so earlier this week the boards were reinstalled with the level at .35 to maintain a surplus to account for evaporation and potential lower rainfall amounts.
Following road grading, the Speed Bumps have been marked with the installation to happen next week. Locations have been determined for best placement to slow down drivers with safety and effectiveness in mind.
Clearing has begun on the area for the new play structure (located where the previous structure was). Digging will begin next week, with installation scheduled for June 15th.
Work continues to happen on the Cottager’s Handbook for Manitoba Provincial Parks. Input has been received from cottager’s (including several from Moose Lake) and working documents have been submitted to the MPPCOA (Manitoba Provincial Parks Cottage Owners Association) for review.
David Morrow, MLCOA